Sunday, December 5, 2010


hi kuma chan!

huhu..sejuk sgt2 nih..its 12pm n0w n aku still xmndi lgi..huah3

sejuk sgtla..uuu

rase nk duk dlm blanket 24jam....ngn kame..huah3~~

jitsu wa..2,3 ari nih aku xonline sgt..since klu nk fngirling2,kna online dlm blik..

hueh3..xleh guna c0mp kt living r0om nih..

n aku plak xleh online lme2..kjap mak pnggil,kjap adik nk bband nih..mcm2..

btw,dlm 4 ari lpas parcel CUWku da smpai!


ptg tuh tr0s tgk k0t..best2 sbb da making ade fct0ry skit ag..thanx maru!

haha ch0 om0shir0iii..

kan kame kan..XDDD~~



td ad stalk2 lj pastu ade trbace psl content dvd kat tun world tour ari tuh..

best gler k0t!dua2 LE n RE..

m0re inf0 here..

sug0ii desh0u?sdih gak xdpt beli..huhu..

time2 cmnila geram nk keje..uuu..

okla..thats all for n0w..

jyaa nee~


  1. ah, so u had receive change ur world ne?

    omedetou ne.. hu hu..

    enjoy it naa..

    thanks about the dvd content info..

    i'm excited ( * w * )/
    but also contemplating whether i made the right decision of buying the LE one..

    RE one got postcards ne.. uhuuu~~

  2. yup..da smpai ari tu..ureshiii~
    a' best je dua2 re n le..uuu..jeles ngn u..hehe..
    ok ape LE..ade booklet lagi kan? RE pon best..hehe..


~c0mments are l0ved~