Thursday, October 28, 2010

hepi bufday mrs kazuya..=)


xleh blah ngn title kan..


ari ni wan nurul fatihah wan hamdi genap berumur 21 thun..fufu~

akula tu..

cam cepat je mase brlalu..bru smlm rase main2 ngn kengkwn wktu drjah 6..


apep0n..hdup msih jauh..bnyak ag yg nk blajar nih..huhu..*ok..plain comment..hehe*

btw,thanx a l0t buat smua kengkwn n ckgu2 yg da wish..


nih ade gifts dr kengkwn..huhu..trharu...

thanx a l0t minna!!!

ni dr dayah!yaaaayy!!c0meey kan?..

same ngn bantal kat belakang tu..

thanx a l0t dayah sbb koleksi kuma2ku brtambah..hehe

btw,die da send lame da present nih..huhu..

bg0sla kamu..*huggles*

jgn silap..mug tu je..

magazine kat blakang tu aku

trharu..nih grup discussion aku bg..

ade kwn aku s0rg ni..pdhal kit0rg bru knal sem nih..

die semp0i gler..die mnat d0m0t0 k0ichi btw..

trharu gler smlm time discus..die bg mag nih..

kyaaaaaa!!thanx a l0t jam_k0ichi! <3333..>

nih dari kimah@jindaluver..

thanx kimah!

luv it!kyaaaaaaaaaaa..kame!

fr0m hani..thanx a l0t hani!suke2!hehe~

fr0m fara hanim..thanx fara!c0omeeeeeyyy!~~

n last but n0t least..

fr0m one of my dear kezen..kak mi...thanx akak!

ah! vid dr dayah gak..c0meeyy gler aku rase..fufu~

thanx a l0t dayah!

als0 kengkawan yg dah wish kat fb,twitter n yg mesej n call aku gak..


trima kasih banyak2!luv u all!!

lastly..fr0m a very special pers0n in my life..

my m0m!thanx a l0t ma!

for this sweet n wonderful 21 years of being me...

thanx a l0t to my m0m..*hugs n kisses utk ma..huhu*

thats all utk bufday p0st..

ari nih mmg ari terharu..huhu..

thanx again smua..h0pe kte smua kawan smpai bile2..




  1. fuwaaa~~!

    finally can access this comment form.
    ( ^ w ^ ")/

    ne, i just sent you something...

    maybe will be arrived in 2 to 3 days?

    hope you like it ne~!

    ( * w * )///~~

  2. julya chan,you're s0 nice dear!arigat0..thanx a l0t ne...*excited*~


~c0mments are l0ved~