Tuesday, August 10, 2010

pc fair n k0rean fans..=)


kuma kuma chan....genki?

ano nee..ari 2 aku pi pc fair.. n aku bli hard disk n skin..h0ho

2 la satu2nye my 1st hard disk 320 gb..hehe..


my new lappy's skin..h0ho~

ano ne..igt tak yg aku p0st ari 2 psl uia punye wireless yg validating identity tuh...

skali wiken yg lpas kit0rg kt mahallah nih lansung xleh connect wireles..

sab02..sbnrye ak xksah p0n klu xdpt connect skali skale..tp kali nih ak da mcm ccing kpansan p0n ade..hueh3..sbb

1)sbb wiken..its weekend!phm2 jela..time wiken la nk online abes2...uuu~

2)sbb kat tun cons kt korea..6/8 n 7/8 ari tu..h0ho..diorg sume ckp byk fancam,fanrep0rt..hueh3..yg ni yg bt ak xsab0..*gel0j0h bt0l*..hehe

bkn cm2,sbnrnye sbb aku nk tgk sgt fancam tu sbb korean fans ade bt secret events for kat tun~
h0ho!*claps3*sasuga n0 korean fans!0medet0u!...n KAT TUN trsgt trharu ngn ap yg diorg buat tuh..yela..dlm mase2 yg genting ni..(u guys know what i mean)..diorg mustila xnk fans diorg risau n just keep supp0rting them kn..so,thanx a l0t to korean fans coz da brjaye bt diorg rase yg kite smua..KAT TUN fans will always be with them..*em0 mode..hueh3*

n ag 1,psl s0l0 kame!kyaaaaaa~~OMG!dis guy..kal0 die da stat mnari..aku +_+..

thats all for n0w.. bye beee~

ni s0l0 kame kt cons kt k0rea ari tu..+_+

credits on vid...


  1. Uh~

    U go to PC Fair?

    Want to go to..
    Demo, okane ja nai.. :p

    New external hard disk & laptop skin??!

    How much ne?

  2. yup..ureshiii..blehla dunl0ad kat tun stuff byk2 n cter2 jp0n byk2 gk lpas ni..hehe..

  3. Maji de??

    That external so cheap lor~~!

    My laptop kind of 'crowded" already with all the vids~!

    Want external too.. Hav to wait the next PC FAIR lor..

    Uhm. Is they have the external in PINK colour??!


  4. murah kn?act,ade ag yg ag murah tp pkcik kdai 2 nasihatkn kit0rg jgn bli yg murah2 sgt..xthn lame..h0ho..s0 you really love pink ne..yup..rasenye ade tp bkn this brand..yg ni 'imation'..ad wrna itam je..uu...by da time u pi next pc fair nnti brand mahal2 p0n musti ag murah kn..besh2~

  5. Uh.

    No other color except BLACK ne?

    ( no wonder its cheap. :p)

    I guess if I want PINK one will be little expensive ne.

    Hmm.. ( - _ - ; )/


~c0mments are l0ved~