Sunday, July 18, 2010

jin n rum0urs n leaving...

sbnrnye ak da mls nk ckp psl hl nih..

its n0t that i hate jin n kat tun..

i l0ve them s0 much!

di0rg da jd sbhagian dr hdup ak da..

s0,klu da jd mnde2 cmni..

siyesly,aku xbleh buat xksah..

mula2 cm ok c0z its just rumours n johnny akn bg kate ptus psl jin ni oct ni

but then,ak bru bce c0ns rep0rt yg mlm td punye..

they're burst int0 tears..maa

part nih yg aku xleh thn..

ble dpt tau diorg nangis td,ak p0n xleh thn n..

im crying too..


ak xleh tgk n xnk tgk kat tun sdih..huhu

thats why i will kept supp0rting them n0 matter what!

KAT TUN n0 GAMBARE!fight0 oh!

i kn0w this is silly th0ught but kal0

tetibe ade little fairy dtg n tnye aku nk ape skang,aku akn jwb

bt mase skang,ak rase cm nk hug diorg n bgtau diorg yg

we all here for ya guys!

s0,shinpai shinaide ne~

n buat mase skang,ak p0n trtanye2..

where is jin?

thats all..da pning dh psl sume nih..

love this guys!



  1. Feel the same way about KAT-TUN.

    KAT-TUN really want to stick as 6 members ne.

    ( ; _ ; )

    But, I dunno what Jin's feeling about this, though.


    Yep. Keep on supporting KAT-TUN~~!!

  2. seems that everything is official ne
    yup..of c0urse..lets keep supp0rting them..h0ho~


~c0mments are l0ved~