Friday, June 25, 2010

y0u & Jin


just wanna p0st sumthin' ab0ut jin..=)

wlaupun da 5 ari lpas da abes die punye sh0w kt LA..

dem0 ne,

its c0nfirmed that
it will continue in 7 cities across USA in Sept-Oct:

NY,Chicag0,Houst0n, SanFranscisc0, Anaheim, LA & Las Vegas..


0medet0u n gAmbare jin!

huhu..xtaw knape kal0 psl lgu2..ak ag ske lgu2 jin drpd lgu2 kame..uu~

yabai..kame dh mrajuk la..ch0tt0!kazu chan!..

*smbil kjar die*..m0ahaaha~

g0men kazu chan..heheh

bkn xbest lgu kame p0n..

tp xtawla..huhu

sbut psl lgu jin,alm0st all his s0ngs yg die bt f0r you&jin ni ak ske.. m0ahaha~

tmbah2 ag lgu bru neh..Tipsy Love..gler best k0t!

mybe sbb ak prefer lgu2 cmni drpd happy n lalala s0ngs..heheh

sbut psl jin ag,recently ad kwn tag ak kat jin's latest pic..

mak 0oii..gler tkejut k0t ak tgk!..huhu

die mcm dh len..dhla ag krus pas2 cam a little bit serabut taw..

0f c0urse,i'm a jin fan klu bab2 neh...huhu

u kn0w what,0ne of my friends and she's a jin fan wr0te kt die pnye wall kt fb cmni..
' org lpe bwk shaver n gunting to LA..LOLXDD..'

cam bt0l p0n..hueh3..mmg agk skit mate la ak tgk..ad0iiyaaii~

g0men jinjin..n0 offence at all!luv u ..but love kame m0re..hehe..

thats all,f0r jin

gambare ne!..n cut your hair too..LOLXDDD~

ja nee~

miss this smile..uuu~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

~~twitter pr0ject~~

taking from kat tun

just t0 remind myself!hueh3~~..

~ TWITTER PROJECT 1: #nakamarusaikou

Nakamaru Yuichi's request during the Hokkaido live:

"Write in your blog (or somewhere similar) that I [Nakamaru] am 最高 [the best]."

Upon hearing his request, us loyal fans just HAD to organize a Twitter project, especially for him!

And thus, we proudly present: Project #nakamarusaikou!

Hashtag: #nakamarusaikou

Start: June 14, 00:01am Japan time

End: as long as the project lasts?

Why? To celebrate the awesomeness that is Nakamura Nakamaru Yuichi!! <3

中丸、最 高~~~~~!!!

~ TWITTER PROJECT 2: #nomorepain

To celebrate KAT-TUN's 5th album "NO MORE PAIN", we are organizing the project #nomorepain! XD

Hashtag: #nomorepain

Start: June 16, 00:01am Japan time

End: we hope everyone will keep on using the hashtag for the entire day!

Why? To celebrate and promote the release of KAT-TUN's 5th album "NO MORE PAIN"

~ TWITTER PROJECT 3: #youandjin

On June 19, Akanishi Jin's dream comes true: he will be the first Johnny's Entertainment artist ever to perform in the USA.

To promote and support his You&Jin USA tour, we plan on tweeting #youandjin the day before the grand opening (so that people who will go to You&Jin will still be able to participate ^^).

Hashtag: #youandjin

Start: June 18, 00:01am Japan time

End: hopefully the entire day?

Why? To celebrate and promote Akanishi Jin's "You&Jin USA Tour"

~ TWITTER PROJECT 4: #kattun

On July 16, it's KT-TUN's turn to make their dream come true, with the start of their first "World Tour". Because some of us will be going to their opening concert, we decided to organize the #kattun Twitter Project the day before the official start.

Hashtag: #kattun

Start: July 15, 00:01am Japan time

End: hopefully the entire day?

Why? To celebrate and promote KAT-TUN's very first World Tour

p/s: whole credits goes to kat tun worlwide.c0m n nika chan..thanx a l0t!*hugs*

Sunday, June 13, 2010


its skang aku d0k bdua je ngn angah..yg len pi knduri'...

ureshiiii na~..full pv n0 m0re pain da kuar!!

gler h0wt k0t smua..aspecially kazu chan!! kyaaaaaaaa!!~..

gler parah ak n0sebleed smlm n dies m0..
tu p0n sparuh tgk..

ad0iyaaaaai!!napela h0t n c0meeey sgt my dear kat tun!!

*gler m0de*muahaha~`

igt nk p0st picspam n0 m0re pain kt cni.. tp tenet bt hal l0r..quite sl0w maaaaa~

ak p0n da lme gna..mybe kna off jap k0t.. ja nee~~


c0ol gler k0wt!!

ahaks..ny0meeynye ueda~



k0ki punye rap n intr0 gler bes k0wt dlm lgu ney!!~

~ just rand0mn things~

well,as a beginning,just wanna post something..rand0m things ab0ut me..
also available in my bio

~ im a big fan of kat tun,kamenashi kazuya n akame..kyaaaaaaaa~

~ im a music lover, i love listening to fav genre: jp0p,kp0p,hip h0p n ac0ustic..i hate jazz..huhu

~ daydreaming + fangirling = me myself..LOLXDDD

~ im dying to learn japanese but have to finished learning mandarin first..gambaremasu y0!!

~ im really bad at blogging n gaphic design stuff..huhu

~ i really love fanfic but s0meh0w i just cant bear of the long fanfic..i dont know y..n0 matter h0w's interesting the fanfic is,but when it comes to 3rd pages n more..i already fall asleep..aut0matically~..

~ after all, my ichiban is my family,friends, my 14 cats, kamenashi kazuya n KAT TUN 's fand0m..^_^v

~ i hate perfectionist..hehe~

~ i love japanese food but i just can't eat a lot of sushi,2 or 3 is en0ugh..huhu

~ 0nce, i really hate myself when some people doesnt agreed with me n i'll keep thinking how to make them agreed with me..s0meh0w,i'm being hypocrite in fr0nt of them..but not anym0re,i just wanna be myself!..n0 matter what others will think ab0ut me..y0ss!

~ u guys will really doesnt have idea h0w much i love kamenashi happy ifhes happy..kyaaaa~

~ im a p0sitive thinker..^_^v

i guess, thats all for n0w..arigat0u minna..*hugs*..

my ichiban..

dear KAT TUN..=)

kazu chan..*dies*

n akame...ahaks..kawaaaaiii~


mwaaaaah~..irraishai n hi my dear bl0g!..*hug*

yup!this is my very 1st post here..ureshii~.

jaa..y0r0shiku ne~..^_^v